Interfaith Alliance

Child Dignity Documentary


The Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities-produced documentary, Child Dignity in the Digital World, puts a spotlight on the worldwide epidemic of online child sexual abuse and exploitation and the impact it has on our communities.

There are now 800 million youth online – and everyday there are those who seek to exploit the most vulnerable in our society. In today’s digital society, content can be created and disseminated in a way that was unimaginable 20 years ago, creating a multi-billion-dollar industry around the sale and distribution of video and photographic material of extremely young and vulnerable children

This powerful documentary captures stories, insights and anecdotes from faith leaders, advocates, professors and psychologists from around the world, all of whom are working together to combat the growing threat to the innocence of children. 

There is a lack of awareness about the extent and scale of online child sexual abuse and exploitation, and Child Dignity in the Digital World makes clear the urgent need for leadership, collaboration and international coordination to combat this difficult issue.

Download the documentary brochure

Featured Experts

Dana Humaid

Executive Office, Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities

Professor Ernesto Caffo

Professor of Child Psychiatry; Founder, Il Telefono Azzurro; Member of the Pontifical Committee for the Protection of Minors at the Holy See

Professor Hany Farid

Data Scientist, University of California, Berkeley USA

Ernie Allen

Chairman of WePROTECT Global Alliance

Sonya Ryan

Founder and CEO of the Carly Ryan Foundation

Franchesca Scandroglio

Clinical and Forensic Pyschologist, SOS Il Telefono Azzurro

Bhai Sahib Bhai Dr.Mohinder Singh Obe KSG

Chairman, Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (UK)

Rabbi Diana S. Gerson

Associate Executive Vice President, New York Board of Rabbis (NYBR)

Sheikh Ibrahim Lethome

Shariah Scholar

Media Gallery

Attendees at the documentary screening in New York

Sonya Ryan, Rabbi Diana Gerson and Professor Ernesto addressing the audience at the documentary screening in New York

Rabbi Diana Gerson addressing the audience at the documentary screening in New York

The Hon Peter Dutton (Minister for Home Affairs), Sonya Ryan (CEO, Carly Ryan Foundation) and Reece Kershaw APM (Commissioner for the Australian Federal Police) attending the documentary screening at the Australian Parliament in Canberra

The Hon Peter Dutton (Minister for Home Affairs), Sonya Ryan (CEO, Carly Ryan Foundation) and Chris Hayes (Member of Parliament) addressing the audience at the documentary screening at the Australian Parliament in Canberra